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Hydro dams could jeopardise 'Grand Canyon of the east', say green groups

"Dams on China's last free-flowing river could harm ecosystems, displace people, and cause catastrophic seismic events"

Category: Energy sources


Obama faces Keystone dilemma after Senate urges pipeline approval

"No reason to deny project, bipartisan majority says, but others in Congress press Obama to back up climate change commitment"


Offshore wind: how the 'suction bucket' technique works - video

"With the help of a tin can, a fish tank and Phil de Villiers, head of offshore wind at the Carbon Trust, Damian Carrington demonstrates a new technique for building offshore windfarms. The 'suction bucket' technique has been...

Category: Energy sources


Peak oil theories 'increasingly groundless', says BP chief

"The US will be self-sufficient in energy by 2030, with only 1% coming from imports, the company's analysts predict"

Category: Energy sources


Severn barrage opponents dismiss wildlife-friendly claims as 'guff'

"Angling, wildlife and heritage groups dispute claims by developers that new proposal is environmentally friendly"

Category: Energy sources

Displaying results 36 to 40 out of 1050